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Class Dojo for Families
Stories and Poems
Year 2 Storytime - The Gorilla Who Wanted to Grow up
Bug Club - how to use it
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New Milton Infant School
Stories and Poems
The Detective Dog - read by Miss Weeks
Oliver's Vegetables - Mrs Johnson
Amazing Grace - Mrs Johnson
Handa's Surprise - Mrs Johnson
The Day the Crayons Quit - Mrs Johnson
Incredible You - Mrs Clark
The Singing Mermaid - Mrs Frost
Ellie's Doorstep - Miss Weeks
Stuck in the Mud - Miss Plant
Sir Scallywag and the Golden Underpants - Mrs Johnson
The Chicken that hatched a Cow! Miss Plant
Shhhhh! - Miss Plant
Fergus's Upside Down Day - Miss Weeks
The Crocodile that couldn't swim - Miss Plant
Jack and the Flum Flum tree - Mrs Frost
Creaky Castle - Miss Plant
What's wrong with Bertie? - Miss Weeks
Frog in Love - Mrs Frost
A Squash and a Squeeze - Mrs Frost
The Owl and the Pussycat - Mrs Johnson
Polly from two minute puppy tales - Miss Weeks
Dave - Miss Groves
Oi Frog - Miss Weeks
Oi Dog - Miss Weeks
Pirate Pete - Mrs Clark
Creaky Castle - Mrs Bloor